Jumat, 09 November 2012

beauty of love

Tell me, what is love??and how does it work?I always try to find out. But I stil wonder how it works. Seems like mysterious thing. Yah. Hanya beberapa bulan yang lalu saya katakana TIDAK. “Sorry I cant do that. I cant be yours. Sorry.” Yang ada dalam benak saya waktu itu hanyalah tanda tanya. Masih dengan pertanyaan yg sama. “How does love work? We just know each other. What love that he means?” I couldn’t find the answer. He just said that he didn’t know. Just love. Just falling in love. What! Naif sekali. Saya tidak bisa menerima alasannya. Cinta tidak semudah itu! And time goes by…dia semakin menyebalkan…saya semakin tidak yakin melangkah bersamanya…saya semakin merasa keputusan yang sudah saya lakukan adalah sangat tepat. but time goes by and he always there….sumthing call mysterious thing come…still wonder how it works but God has opened my eyes…actually not my eyes…but my heart…God taught me how to see sumone with heart…how to feel the love with love…And I cant close my eyes…cant close my heart…when he said (for the first time)…he asked me… my heart…he was begging me…in the name of the one that I love most…the one that give me breath and life. He was begging me in the name of God. And sumthing call mysterious thing is works. Love become so naturally. Sound like a whisper…blow in my heart…And It happens. I’ve already fall…falling in love with him. Tidak seperti pangeran punya Cinderella. Tidak juga seperti clark di serial smallville. He just an ordinary guy. Meskipun dia percaya diri 100% dengan semua yg dimilikinya. But well I have choose him. Atas nama cintaNya…saya memutuskan menjalani satu komitmen dengannya. Seseorang yang telah meminta saya atas namaNya. Seseorang yang telah meminta cinta saya padaNya. Dan Tuhan membisikkan cinta itu lewat cara yang misterius. I think I don’t need to ask “why” or “how” anymore. Love is enough. I think I don’t need any explanation. Just love. Thanks God…for the beauty of love. ;) *Catatan 12des2011 disalin dari multiply